Saturday, January 26, 2013

Study Shows Neurotypicals Are Very Poor Judges When it Comes to the Productivity of others.

We asked 20 imaginary neurotypicals, which we keep in cages for safety reasons, to estimate various peoples values in society. First we showed them a picture of Bob Wright and told them that he had been president of GE financial and that he Co-founded Autism Speaks. (No this is not rude at all it is perfectly OK to call it like you see it when it come to high functioning and low functioning, it's not like they are people or something don't be silly.) neurotypicals failed to correctly judge that Bob Wright was low functioning working to absorb money without producing any useful products or research. We are working hard to cure Bob Wright we are giving him worms, pot and every drug J&J owns the patent on to treat his typical rage. He dose a lot of damage right now so we are trying to teach him to drag around his behind on the carpet so his streaks will be limited to the floor. Bob Wright like many other NT's actually seems to base a person's value on the amount of money they made or how much they consumed. NT's often become upset when they see homeless people because homeless people do not consume enough resources. Remember neurotypicals kill so give us money to stop the puzzle piece murders, not saying Autism Speaks is responsible but it makes you wonder doesn't it? Not all of the Autism Speaks sits are on the first map Not all of the Autism Speaks sits are on the first map more are shown on the second map, for example. :

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