Sunday, December 30, 2012

Making your Neurotypical child happy during the holiday season is impossible.

Neurotypical children are hard any time of the year but the holidays can be particularly difficult. Repetitions of jingle bells, invites to parties, plays, and demands for expensive items can lead parents to madness, but here are some solutions from magical parent experts who know everything: Solution 1) Sending us money, along with appropriate medication can make a big difference. Solution 2) Sticking needles into them randomly to draw blood, along with appropriate medication can make a big difference. Solution 3) NBN training, involves stuffing the child's face with candy to prevent them from singing jingle bells, along with appropriate medication can make a big difference. Solution 4) Drugging them to death, along with appropriate medication can make a big difference. Remember the routine and buy them whatever they want because they might kill you, we are not saying neurotypical children will kill you but neurotypicals confuse popularity with ethics. so that it would be perfectly logical for them to kill you if you could not produce the same gift all their friends got this holiday season. Happy Holidays and as always send us more money.

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