Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Who will pay the cost of Neurotypical Disorder?

Parents are finding it harder and harder to support their Neurotypical children. Here are quotes from a sundry of frustrated imagined parents. “She wants to have everything just like everyone else, and she doesn't understand how much it costs. I thought the $500 child tax credit would cover her. Maybe I’m just a bit NT myself.” “He wants to try everything, but after a few days he realizes that he is just OK at it and wants to try something new. Our whole garage is full of sports equipment, musical interments, and video games. Sadly our child is so unimaginative he tells us he is board needs money to go out and do what ever his NT friends are doing or what is advertised on TV.”Parents of NT kids just can’t make it so we might as well leach off them just like their ungrateful zombie children. Please donate so we can send them literature about how their children are defective, and ask them for money.

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